
What is the difference between a Recreational Pilot Certificate (RPC) and Recreational Pilot Licence (RPL)?

The Recreational Pilot Certificate (RPC) is issued by Recreational Aviation Australia (RAAus) whereas the Recreational Pilot Licence (RPL) is issued by CASA. The RPC allows you to fly any aircraft under 600kgs (e.g. Sling 2) and take up to 1 passenger whereas RPL allows you to fly any aircraft up to 1500kgs (e.g. Cessna 172 or Diamond DA40) and carry up to 3 passengers.

At Learn To Fly Melbourne, we offer both RPC and RPL.

Students can choose to achieve their RPL through RPC. Student can gain their RPC through the RPC training program, the RPC is equivalent to an RPL. Once students receive their RPC, they can apply to CASA for the issuance of an RPL by simply filling in a form. Afterwards, to activate the RPL, a flight review on a GA aircraft is needed and this can be done by us as well.