
June 07, 2024

Adam Butterfield

Adam has always had an adventurous spirit. His interest in aviation was born at an early age through his Dad, who was a Cathay Pacific pilot. Watching planes land at Kai Tai airport and hearing the roar of their engines is one of his earliest aviation memories.

Following his graduation from University, he decided to pursue the opportunity to play Rugby for the Hong Kong National team and build a Recruitment business. 

However, his desire to pursue a career in aviation never subsided, so he decided to make the career change in 2023 and chase his dream of becoming a pilot by obtaining a Recreational Pilot License with Learn to Fly. From day one, it was love at first flight, and the exhilaration of his first solo only confirmed that he had made the right decision. 

Adam joined Learn to Fly as a Flight Training Consultant as he was keen to share his excellent experience with the school and relevant knowledge with other aspiring pilots, especially those considering airline cadet pilot programs as that aligns with his own career goals.

Other than flying, Adam enjoys a healthy, active, and balanced lifestyle by playing a variety of sports, exploring one of Hong Kong’s many trails or remote beaches, and eating with friends at the many restaurants that Hong Kong has to offer.