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Pilot Stories: International Ferry Pilot Flies LTF Diamond DA42 From Canada To Melbourne

We have just taken delivery of our 2 brand new twin-engine Diamond DA42 aircraft here in Melbourne. They were built at the Diamond Factory in Canada. After that, international ferry pilot Stuart Caling flew them all the way to us here at Moorabbin Airport.

The journey involved flying from Canada to California first. The next part involved island-hopping across the Pacific Ocean to the Gold Coast. And then, flying south to Melbourne.

As you could imagine, the role of a professional ferry pilot is a very interesting one. We caught up with Stuart for a chat about his career.

International-Ferry-Pilot-Diamond DA42
International ferry pilot Stuart Caling with LTF CEO Kai Li after delivering our new Diamond DA42 to Moorabbin Airport in Melbourne.

Tell us a bit about your flying background, how you became a ferry pilot, and what the role is like

I got my CPL in 1998, and my early pilot career involved flying charters in Queensland. During this time I also built up close to 5,000 hours as a flight instructor. I learnt about the role of ferry pilot through legendary Australian aviator Jim Hazelton, and flew my first ferry role from Italy in 2010.

I’ve now logged over 3,000 hours as a ferry pilot, and have lapped the globe probably 14 times.

The ferry pilot job isn’t easy, and requires an intimate knowledge of aircraft engineering and mechanics, particularly relating to weight dynamics. Many pilots see it as a fairly straight forward job and a way to build hours, which isn’t the case. You’re flying long distances without a break, sometimes over large bodies of water. So when problems occur you need to know how to handle them on your own.

What do you love most about the ferry pilot job?

It’s definitely not a monotonous job, being able to see so many different locations around the world. Having the opportunity to learn about and fly so many different types of aircraft is also great. I love seeing the factories where the aircraft are produced, as well as the engineering side of the role.

Diamond DA42 Factory Canada
Our Diamond DA42 ready for pick-up at the Diamond Aircraft Industries factory in Canada.

What is the best/most unique aircraft you have flown so far?

The Vulcanair A-Viator AP68TP – a 10-seat twin-engine aircraft powered by Rolls Royce Nomad engines. I flew this aircraft from Avalon Airport in Melbourne to Germany, and am currently the only Australian pilot endorsed to fly it.

If you had the opportunity to fly any aircraft in the world, what would it be and why?

The Hawker Sea Fury FB11, or the Lockheed P38 Lightning. I have had the opportunity to fly some warbirds including the North American T28 Trojan.

What is the longest distance you’ve had to ferry an aircraft?

The longest overall journey was probably ferrying a Beechcraft Baron from Perth in Australia to West Virginia in the USA. The leg from California to Hawaii is the longest single over-water leg in the world, at close to 2,300 nautical miles – which is one of the legs I flew taking the Diamond DA42 to Melbourne.

What is the most exotic destination you’ve been to on a ferry flight?

Kiribati Atoll is an extremely unique place, sitting in between Hawaii and Pago Pago (American Samoa) in the Pacific Ocean. It is an Australian territory, and was once a nuclear testing site, but since the 1990s it is primarily a launch site for satellites and ongoing monitoring of spacecraft.

International Ferry Flight Diamond DA42
Kiribati Atoll in the Pacific Ocean is one of many unique places you see while ferrying a Diamond DA42 to Melbourne.

What are some of the craziest experiences you have had in your role as an international ferry pilot?

Flying over the Persian Gulf on a ferry flight from Iran to Pakistan, I had a pair of US FA/18 Hornets escort me, which was pretty amazing. I have also experienced aircraft-related issues such as an engine fire near Thailand, and engine warning lights coming on during a long leg over open ocean.

How did you find flying our Diamond DA42s to Melbourne?

They are very easy to fly, and very spacious and comfortable – especially when taking into consideration the long Pacific Ocean legs. The first ferry flight I did in a Diamond DA42 was from Jordan (in the Middle East) to the Gold Coast in Australia, which was a pretty long haul as well.

What’s your next international ferry pilot role?

I’m flying a Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander aircraft from New Zealand to Fiji, and then I’ll be heading to the Diamond Factory in Austria after that for more ferry flights in Diamond aircraft.

We’re thrilled to have our Diamond DA42 aircraft here in Melbourne, and very thankful to Stuart for delivering them safely to us. It was great hearing about some of his experiences as an international ferry pilot, and amazing to see some of the images he captured during the trips – including the below one with our DA42 in front of a pair of USAF F-22A Raptors in Hawaii!

Diamond DA42 F22 Raptor
Our Diamond DA42 on the way to Melbourne with F22 Raptors in Hawaii!

Before you start flight training, chat to one of our flight training specialists. Email [email protected] or go to to book a meeting and school tour.


Fifteen Year Old Leeanne Kaplan on Her First Solo Flight

Learn to Fly RPC student Leeanne Kaplan won’t be forgetting her 15th birthday in a hurry, after completing her first solo flight.

Leeanne started studying the theory components for her Recreational Pilot Certificate (RPC) at age 13, patiently waiting until she was 14 to be allowed to take the controls of an aircraft in flight under the guidance of her instructor.

And then, on the day of her 15th birthday, Leeanne successfully completed her first solo flight. Given that 15 is the minimum legal age at which you are actually allowed to fly solo, Leeanne is surely one of very few people that have actually achieved that milestone so early.

We asked Leeanne a few questions following this amazing achievement:

1. How do you feel after your first solo flight?

To be perfectly honest, after flying solo for the first time, I felt really self-accomplished and proud of myself. In the hours leading up to my flight and on my way to Tooradin, I was incredibly nervous. I wasn’t worried that I would crash, but more that I would forget something and disappoint everyone. However, I got over my nerves and just did it, and I’m glad that I did!

2. What was the most challenging thing about it?

The most challenging part about it is deciding to actually do it. By this point my nerves had calmed down but the first time Anurag (Leeanne’s instructor) asked me if I wanted to do a circuit by myself I put it off and asked to do two more with him.

I found that I just had to commit to it and to know that I would be fine, which I was.

3. When did you decide that you wanted to get a pilot licence?

In December 2016 I went to the HASSE x NASA Space School in Houston (Texas, USA) for two weeks and they were talking about the different career paths NASA can offer, one of which was a pilot. Being able to fly a plane has always interested me, and when I came back from the USA I decided to pursue it.

4. What do your friends at school think?

My friends are completely obsessed with me flying and they hardly ever shut up about it. When I told them that I flew solo I was bombarded with comments, congratulations, and videos, anything where they could get their message across. Needless to say, they are extremely supportive of me but I always get asked this one question; “When can you fly me to _____?”

5. What is your ultimate goal for your aviation career?

I don’t have an exact goal for my aviation career. But I’m certain I would like to fly for a great airline like QANTAS. There are so many options and I know I have a long way to go. Plus I don’t have to decide now.

Student pilot Leeanne Kaplan with instructor Anurag after completing her first solo flight on her 15th birthday.

The Best Time To Start Flight Training

With an enormous increase in pilot demand predicted globally in the next 20 years, there’s never been a better time to consider an aviation career. It’s fantastic to see young people like Leeanne with the passion and enthusiasm to start so early.

The aviation industry has traditionally been somewhat male-dominated, but that is changing. There are many progressive airlines that are proactively looking to recruit more and more female pilots. It’s role models like Leeanne that will help to encourage more young females with a passion or interest in flying to have the courage and drive to pursue it.

Learn to Fly offers a range of courses to suit budding pilots of all ages and experience. For young people like Leeanne, the Recreational Pilot Certificate (RPC) is the best place to start. It allows you to commence learning and progress at a younger age than other courses such as the Recreational Pilot Licence (RPL).

After achieving your RPC, there are many other options available to you. You can add a Cross Country Endorsement, which allows you to fly further. You can also opt to convert to General Aviation training and progress towards a Private Pilot Licence (PPL).

Whether your aviation career goal is to be a flight instructor and teach other students, fly charters, or become a Captain with a major airline – you will find plenty of exciting opportunities within this fast growing industry.

We very much look forward to seeing where Leeanne’s flying career takes her.

Are you looking to start your pilot training? Get in touch with our flight training specialists. Email [email protected] or visit to book a meeting and school tour.
