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Aviation Theory and Ground School: Essential Knowledge for Flight Training in Australia

Aviation theory and ground school involve your classroom time with an instructor to learn essential knowledge for flight training in Australia. Whilst you might think that theory is boring, it makes the flying part so much more fun and interesting. Throughout your aviation training, every flying lesson will begin in a classroom for a briefing on a theory application. Your time spent in the classroom will make you a better pilot in an aircraft. Let’s explore aviation theory and ground school so that you can understand how to establish essential knowledge for flight training in Australia.

What Is Aviation Theory and Ground School

Aviation theory is the science and textbook content for learning how to become a pilot. Some flight training schools separate ground schools from flight schools, but in Australia, we mostly consider them to be the same thing. In aviation ground school, you’ll study each component and milestone before undertaking practical experience in an aircraft.

The topics you’ll cover will typically include aerodynamics, air law, human factors, aviation instrumentation, weather, and so on.

The Importance of Theory in Flight Training

Every pilot decision and control input should be from the basis of the flight training. As humans, we have natural tendencies that can make us poor pilots. It’s in the theory and ground school that you’ll establish this knowledge and how to overcome these tendencies.

Whilst you might think that time in the cockpit is what builds a pilot, aviation theory and ground school is the actual foundation that pilots live upon. You build up practical experience in and around the aircraft, but this is only useful if you have the theory to apply.

Some very straightforward examples demonstrate the limitations of the human mind and how theory is fundamental to becoming a pilot. For instance, if you found yourself inverted in an aircraft, a common response is to pull back on the stick or yoke and do a half loop to recover. However, this is one of the riskiest manoeuvres you can undertake – particularly at low altitudes. The theory will teach you to turn off the autopilot, adjust power, unload the wings (push forward), roll, and recover to a climb. It sounds simple but is not naturally intuitive without theory and training, particularly in a moment of unexpected rush. Better yet, you won’t just be taught how to recover an aircraft – the theory and flight school will teach you how to prevent such things from occurring.        

Yes, there are components of theory that you need to learn and not all of it will have you jumping out of your seat. However, the more you can absorb the better pilot you’ll become.

What Aspiring Pilots Can Hope to Learn

Given that aviation theory in ground, school teaches you essential knowledge for flight training in Australia, let’s take a look at the subjects. All Australian flight training and aviation licences (RPL, PPL, CPL) cover the following topics as a minimum:

  • Flight rules and air law
  • Aerodynamics
  • Meteorology
  • Navigation
  • Flight Planning
  • Power Plants
  • Aircraft Systems
  • Human Factors

That’s not all though. Within each of these subjects is a range of areas you’ll explore in your flight training course. After each major topic, you’ll then go through a review and then undertake an exam.

Aviation Theory Makes a Better Pilot

If you really want a Bachelor’s Degree, you should choose something other than aviation. A Bachelor’s in the fields of IT or accounting would be a smarter choice. If COVID or a significant economic downturn occurred, you would be qualified for other industries and it would protect you as a pilot.

What is the Suggested Pathway for Becoming a Pilot?

Learning aviation theory in ground school will make your time in the aircraft much more comprehensive and useful. That’s because you already have a fundamental understanding of what to expect and how to act before you step into the aircraft. The classroom theory and practical aircraft experience are both required to become a good pilot. You can’t be a pilot if you only complete one of them, as they work together to bond your understanding of theory and physical experience.

In a classroom environment, you don’t have the pressures of needing to fly a plane or navigate. You’re focused. That means that you are more able to comprehend and digest the information. Similarly, it means you are learning to work with your instructor and other students to master the theory behind aviation. For nearly every learning requirement in your flight training in Australia, you will first learn the fundamentals in the classroom. Following that, you’ll learn to apply the theory in the aircraft.

Considering the knowledge you cover in ground school, it’s easy to understand how it makes a better pilot. If you have never learnt about control surfaces and aircraft behaviour, do you really want to find out in the sky? Definitely not! The point is that you learn something, then apply it.  

Ready To Start Ground School?

Now you know that aviation theory and ground school provide essential knowledge for flight training in Australia. It’s time to start training! Chat with one of our flight training specialists to get your pilot training off the ground. Email [email protected] or go to to book a meeting and school tour.

What Else Should I Know?

We’ve compiled a few useful posts that might help you out. Where ever you are on your aviation journey, the team at Learn To Fly Melbourne are here to help. We want you to pass your exams and have an excellent career! So, please reach out if we can help support you through your course and studies!

Becoming A Flight Instructor – More Important Now Than Ever Before
We’ll discuss some of the benefits that explain why becoming a flight instructor is more important now than ever before.

Aspiring Career Pilots – Here’s Why You Need a Diploma of Aviation
With so many different types of aviation qualifications out there, which one should you choose? And which Melbourne flight school do you approach? These can be tricky questions to answer, so let us help you out.

Flight Instructor Rating – The Perfect Start For New Commercial Pilot Graduates
What is the best way to get started and set yourself on the right career path for your dream pilot job? In our opinion, it all starts with a Flight Instructor Rating. Let’s find out why!

Flight Instructor Training Endorsements – All You Need To Know
In this blog we’ll outline the Flight Instructor Training Endorsements that are available. We’ll also guide you on how each of these endorsements can add value to your role as a Flight Instructor and your progression as a professional pilot.


Understanding The Basics of Flight: How Planes Work & What Makes Them Fly

In the history of mankind, aircraft have achieved incredible engineering feats. High-speed flights, heavy payloads, and precise maneuvers are accomplished by modern aircraft with remarkable control. By capitalizing on specific forces, pilots harness the ability to propel aircraft through the sky in a controlled manner. The vast operational variety of aircraft designs today stems from their distinct aerodynamic, practical, or utility purposes, necessitating different approaches to managing flight principles. With this in mind, we can now work on our understanding of the basics of flight: how planes work and what makes them fly.

The Laws of Motion

To understand the flight of an aircraft, let’s first take a quick refresher on Newton’s three laws of motion. In short, the three laws of motion can be stated as follows:

1. If an object is not moving, it will not start moving by itself. If an object is moving, it will not stop or change direction unless something pushes it.

2. Objects will move farther and faster when they are pushed harder.

3. When an object is pushed in one direction, there is always an equal resistance in the opposite direction.

Now that we have these motion principles in mind, llet’s look at the Four Main Principles of Flight.

The Four Main Principles of Flight

To help you understand the basics of flight, let’s delve into flight principles. We can summarise airplane flight using four main principles: lift, weight, thrust, and drag. These principles represent opposing forces. Weight is the opposite of lift, while drag opposes thrust. Achieving a balance among these forces ensures successful flight. Now, let’s examine each of the four main flight principles in greater detail.


Lift is the force that pushes the aircraft upwards. The aircraft’s wings are designed to be an aerofoil, which means that the wing’s shape creates an aerodynamic reaction (lift). This component is especially important for flight, so we will cover this more in a moment.

Gravity (Weight)

Gravity is the opposing force to lift, which pushes an aircraft downwards. Gravity’s direction is not merely downward; it specifically points towards the center of the Earth. Additionally, gravity’s influence varies with an aircraft’s size or mass – larger aircraft experience a greater gravitational impact, necessitating more lift.


Thrust propels the aircraft forward, differing from lift and gravitational pull as it involves the mechanical input of energy from an engine or turbine.


Drag opposes the aircraft’s motion, generated by frictional airflow over its surface, hindering flight. If drag has a factor of ‘1’, the aircraft requires more than a factor of ‘1’ in thrust energy to move forward. Air displacement causes the drag force, as the aircraft must push air aside, resulting in a reactionary force in accordance with Newton’s third law of motion.

Exceptions and Considerations to The Principles of Flight

Now that we’ve explained the principles and basics of flight, we know how an aircraft successfully moves through the sky. That being said, the relationship between these forces can be somewhat utilised in different ways.

Take a glider as an example. While it needs initial thrust and energy to reach altitude, it can sustain forward momentum for extended periods by employing various flight techniques to achieve a balance in the principles of flight. This involves utilizing thermals, leveraging gravitational pull for efficient lift, and minimizing drag to generate momentum. Another option is a hot air balloon, which employs thermal energy for lift and relies on wind for momentum.

Wing Design, Aerofoils & Aerodynamics

Although aerodynamics is a complex science, we can simplify the basics of flight for understanding. Aerofoils and wing designs play a crucial role. Thousands of wings, each designed as a different aerofoil, serve various purposes and adhere to distinct aerodynamic principles. Larger wings generate substantial lift, while smaller ones or those designed for high lift have higher drag. These principles are applied in STOL (short take-off or landing) aircraft.

If you can imagine a cross-section of a wing, most of them follow the same flight principle. That is, when air passes over the wing, the air above the wing travels faster and at a reduced pressure, and the air beneath at a slower pace and higher pressure. With low pressure above and high pressure beneath, naturally, there is a want for the wings of the aircraft to go up and equalise these air zones. Now, there is more than one way of explaining this – and it can become a widely-debated topic – but you can understand why the wing causes the aircraft to experience lift.

Control Surfaces and Aircraft Design

Once an aircraft has sufficient forward momentum to sustain the basics of flight, a pilot then has a variety of controls and control surfaces to enable the pilot to manipulate the aircraft’s motion. These controls involve rolls, yaw, and pitch.

1. Ailerons on the wings allow the pilot to ‘roll’ the aircraft left and right, which is useful for turning the aircraft around the front-to-back axis.

2. The rudder changes the yaw of the aircraft from side to side, which assists in rotating the aircraft around the vertical axis.

3. The elevator changes the pitch of the aircraft, up and down, around the side-to-side axis.

Aircraft also can feature additional control elements, such as flaps, to support controlled flight. Flaps, for example, increase the wings’ surface area to produce additional lift. This is useful for exercises like landing so that aircraft can touch down at slower speeds without gravitational forces overcoming flight.

And That’s How Planes Fly!

Congratulations! You now have a solid grasp of the fundamentals of flight, including how planes operate and the principles behind their ability to fly. If you desire a deeper understanding, the instructors at Learn To Fly Melbourne are eager to assist you and can even arrange a trial flight experience.

Are you ready to join the evolving world of aviation?

Chat with one of our flight training specialists to get your pilot training off the ground. Email [email protected] or go to to book a meeting and school tour.

What Else Should I Know?

We’ve compiled a few useful posts that might help you out. Where ever you are on your aviation journey, the team at Learn To Fly Melbourne are here to help. We want you to pass your exams and have an excellent career, so please reach out if we can help support you through your course and studies!

Becoming A Flight Instructor – More Important Now Than Ever Before
We’ll discuss some of the benefits that explain why becoming a flight instructor is more important now than ever before.

Aspiring Career Pilots – Here’s Why You Need a Diploma of Aviation
With so many different types of aviation qualifications out there, which one should you choose? And which Melbourne flight school do you approach? These can be tricky questions to answer, so let us help you out.

Flight Instructor Rating – The Perfect Start For New Commercial Pilot Graduates
What is the best way to get started and set yourself on the right career path for your dream pilot job? In our opinion, it all starts with a Flight Instructor Rating. Let’s find out why!

Flight Instructor Training Endorsements – All You Need To Know
In this blog we’ll outline the Flight Instructor Training Endorsements that are available. We’ll also guide you on how each of these endorsements can add value to your role as a Flight Instructor and your progression as a professional pilot.


Transitioning From Recreational Pilot to Professional Pilot

Transitioning from being a recreational pilot to becoming a professional pilot can be the dream for many. For some, this journey becomes apparent because they started flying purely for recreational reasons, but found it to be so exhilarating that it turned into a career aspiration. Others find themselves wanting to transition from being a recreational pilot to a professional pilot because they wanted to try recreational aviation before committing to the career move. Whatever reason you’re here, let’s talk through transitioning from recreational pilot to professional pilot. 

What Type of Professional Pilots Are There? 

There are two categories of professional pilots to cover here. The first professional pilot category is flying instructors. Professional flying instructors have completed their fundamental aviation training to qualify for their pilot licence. Furthermore, professional flying instructors have completed additional aviation training to become a Grade 1, Grade 2 or Grade 3 flying instructor. Each of these grades carries different privileges on what the instructor can oversee and sign-off. 

If you’re looking to read more on becoming a professional flying instructor, we have put together a number of posts that tell you all about it: 

  1. Flight Instructor Training Endorsements – All You Need To Know 
  1. Flight Instructor Rating – A Flying Start To Your Pilot Career 
  1. Pilot Profile: Chun Ki – From Student Pilot to Flight Instructor 
  1. Becoming A Flight Instructor – More Important Now Than Ever Before 
  1. Flight Instructor Rating – The Perfect Start For New Commercial Pilot Graduates 

The second category of professional pilots are commercial licenced pilots who are paid to fly aircraft in a variety of operations. This could include freight, passenger transport operations through a regional airline or an international airline, aerial observation pilots or more. We’ve written up a number of these career options in our post ‘A Guide To Professional Aviation Careers’.  

What Are The Pathways To Transition From Recreational Pilot to Professional Pilot? 

There are a number of ways you can become a professional pilot. If you’re looking to become a flying instructor, then the above posts are the best place to start. If you’re looking to become a commercial pilot who is paid for one of the many professional aviation careers that will become available to you, here are some pathways you can consider. 

#1 Enjoy Commercial Aviation Training at an Aviation Flight School 

If you’ve started training with a flight school, you can actually continue with the process. This can be with your current flight school or you’re able to transfer – Learn To Fly is accepting students all the time from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. 

There are some significant benefits of doing it this way. Firstly, the training is usually less expensive that your other options. Secondly, your training will be based around your experience, background and competency. This means that your background and training will come directly into consideration for your aviation flight training, which saves you both time and money. 

Additionally, you can have the opportunity to start working with your flight school as a flying instructor, which will help build your hours and provide an income. Many of the Learn To Fly instructors have also been students with us! 

You might decide to undertake an RPL, then PPL and CPL pathway, or you might want to undertake your Diploma of Aviation (CPL) or Diploma of Aviation (Instrument Rating).  

#2 Study Aviation Diploma or Bachelor

Some professional pilots may suggest that becoming a pilot through studying a diploma is a good option. This path has some positive aspects. For example, it aims to help you complete the syllabus and become a qualified commercial pilot. It also has a structured and routine approach similar to a university, which may appeal to some.

That being said, there are some downsides to consider, too. Most pilots who have gone down this path will also tell you it’s expensive. Many pilots finish with a significant debt. Secondly, there are absolutely no guarantees of employment when you’re complete. This means it might be tough paying off that debt for a while. 

Depending on where you’re at with your recreational flying, you might not receive credit or Recognition for Prior Learning. This means that you might be starting again, even if you have some aviation training and experience under your belt. 

With all of this in mind, there are some universities that have partnered with aviation training schools such as Learn To Fly to develop a commercial aviation training program that is very popular. For example, you can complete your Bachelor of Aviation through Learn To Fly, which is with Griffith University. This means that you’re undertaking a university course, but can have the benefits of a professional aviation training school and the potential employment opportunities and prospects that come with this. 

#3 Aviation Academies 

There are a number of aviation academies, largely run by airlines like Qantas. The upside is that it’s a valid and viable pathway to becoming a commercial pilot. The downsides are that it’s strictly limited for spaces and you often ‘owe’ the airlines a few years of your career. This is essentially the airline making sure they get their worth from you. A job isn’t guaranteed, either, so you can still carry a debt at the completion of your training. Similar to the university option, you’ll usually start the training from scratch and you may not receive full (or any) credits or Recognition for Prior Learning.  

What Pathway Do I follow?

Only you can decide which pathway is best for you, transitioning from recreational pilot to professional pilot. However, at Learn To Fly, we have all the expertise you could need to help you answer it.  

Chat with one of our flight training specialists to get your pilot training off the ground. Email [email protected] or go to to book a meeting and school tour.

What Else Should I Know?

We’ve compiled a few useful posts that might help you out. Where ever you are on your aviation journey, the team at Learn To Fly Melbourne are here to help. We want you to pass your exams and have an excellent career, so please reach out if we can help support you through your course and studies!

Becoming A Flight Instructor – More Important Now Than Ever Before
We’ll discuss some of the benefits that explain why becoming a flight instructor is more important now than ever before.

Aspiring Career Pilots – Here’s Why You Need a Diploma of Aviation
With so many different types of aviation qualifications out there, which one should you choose? And which Melbourne flight school do you approach? These can be tricky questions to answer, so let us help you out.

Flight Instructor Rating – The Perfect Start For New Commercial Pilot Graduates
What is the best way to get started and set yourself on the right career path for your dream pilot job? In our opinion, it all starts with a Flight Instructor Rating. Let’s find out why!

Flight Instructor Training Endorsements – All You Need To Know
In this blog we’ll outline the Flight Instructor Training Endorsements that are available. We’ll also guide you on how each of these endorsements can add value to your role as a Flight Instructor, and your progression as a professional pilot.


A Guide To Professional Aviation Careers

Aviation can be an incredible journey for you. You’re allowed to dream and you’re allowed to have fun – that’s why we’ve put together a guide to professional aviation careers!

Aviation is a world filled with opportunity. With opportunities comes the need to make decisions: what is the aviation career path for you? One of the most important considerations in making these decisions is that you don’t have to make one choice. You can actually make multiple. For example, you might choose to fly recreationally, before joining the Australian Defence Forces. Or you might choose to be an instructor whilst you increase your hours on your way to becoming a Royal Flying Doctor Service pilot or a Commercial Airline pilot.

If you’re in the process of thinking about what you’d like to do with your aviation career, here is a brief guide to professional aviation careers to help.

Become A Flying Instructor

The first aviation career option, in our guide to professional aviation careers, happens to be the most attainable option. A flying instructor! Once you complete your basic training, it’s not a huge leap to becoming a flight instructor and getting paid to fly. Once an instructor, you may decide you like it and keep going – many pilots do! But given you’ll be getting paid to fly, you’ll also be increasing your hours and experience which can open doors to other aviation career options.

There are different levels of instructors (mainly Grade 1, 2 and 3), with Grade 1 instructors being the most senior. The difference between each level is what student (or instructor) operations you can sign off. You can find out more about our Flying Instructor courses here.

Fixed Wing Military Pilot

Australia’s defence forces include a range of aviation-based roles that might be the right fit for you. Pairing world-class training and equipment with a supportive team-based career, it’s easy to understand why some people love this option.

Jobs can include a Fixed Wing Pilot, a Fast Jet Pilot, or a range of aeronautical support options.

If you’re aiming for the military, you have the option to start from scratch with your application. That being said, you can also commence your aviation dreams and start learning to fly, then transfer into a military role to continue your education and training. The benefit of the latter is you can try and enjoy aviation before you commit to military requirements and minimum terms of service.

Chartered Flight Operations Pilot

Chartered flights occur every day for one reason or another. From tourism and sightseeing flights to private charters and specialised transport, pilots on chartered flight operations are required to be flexible and available to suit the passengers or cargo.

This career option can be a nice change from RPT flight operations on larger airlines, and chartered flight operations are typically in smaller aircraft which can feel more adventurous. This can also be a great stepping stone if you’re trying to advance your career towards a more specialised or senior aviation position, such as advancing to regional or international airlines.

Additionally, some chartered flight operations are flexible in that you can have another income or profession at the same time, rather than flying full-time. If this sounds like it could be you, then this is a career option to look into!

Regional Airline Pilot

Regional airlines are known for repeat passenger transport operations on small and mid-sized aircraft. You might be flying to Australia’s large airports as well as smaller regional airports. This might include Rex, Air Link, Air North, Alliance Airlines, Hinterland Aviation or another airline. Some of them are much smaller, others are bigger and more frequent.

If your end game is becoming a commercial airline pilot, then this is a very common and sensible option to advance your career towards your goal.

Royal Flying Doctor Service

In our guide to professional aviation careers, this is a big dream for many pilots so we’ll cover it more thoroughly! The Royal Flying Doctor Service is a rich piece of Australian history, dating back over 100 years from when Reverend John Flynn first founded the aeromedical service. The RFDS has five different aircraft in the fleet:

  • 1. The Pilatus PC-12
  • 2. The Pilatus PC-24 (used in SA/NT and WA)
  • 3. The King Air B350 C
  • 4. The King Air B200 C (used in Qld, NSW, Victoria and Tasmania)
  • 5. and the new Beechcraft King Air 360CHW turboprop aircraft (used in QLD).

Being a critical medical aviation service, the Royal Flying Doctor Service has a high standard for its pilots. It’s quite an achievement to become a pilot for the RFDS.

For an aeromedical pilot, the RFDS typically looks for:

  • Hold a current Command Instrument Rating with four or more renewals – preference for Multi-Engine Command Instrument Rating
  • Hold a current Australian ATPL or CPL
  • Hold a current Australian Class 1 medical in Single Pilot Operations
  • 4,000 hours of flying time in total
  • 2,000 hours as Pilot in Command
  • 1,000 as Pilot in Command of Multi-engine aircraft
  • 200 hours as Pilot in Command at night
  • 200 hours of instrument time
  • Turbine Experience

For Primary Health Care Pilots (Pressurised Aircraft), they typically look for:

  • Hold a current Command Instrument Rating with three or more renewals – preference for Multi-Engine Command Instrument Rating
  • Hold a current Australian ATPL or CPL
  • Hold a current Australian Class 1 medical in Single Pilot Operations
  • 3,000 hours of flying time in total
  • 1,500 hours as Pilot in Command
  • 1,000 as Pilot in Command of Multi-engine aircraft
  • 150 hours as Pilot in Command at night
  • 150 hours of instrument time
  • Turbine Experience
  • Three instrument rating renewals

Additionally, they will typically look for the following:

  • Australian Citizenship, Residency or approved work Visa
  • An Australian Command Multi Engine Instrument Rating, or military equivalent
  • Undergo a pre-employment drug and alcohol test
  • Maintain a current Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC),
  • Hold a current driver’s licence
  • Hold a Blue Card issued by the Commission for Children and Young People.

Domestic Airline Pilot or International Airline Pilot

Becoming a First Officer on a Boeing 737…what a dream!

Generally speaking, you generally become a domestic airline pilot first and then gain enough experience before turning to international airlines and flights. Gaining entry into domestic and international airlines can be achieved. The best approach is to look at the entry requirements for consideration and then work backwards to understand what it is you need to do.

If there are several thousand hours required for a First Officer position, work back to what positions or jobs you could hold to gain those hours. Don’t give up – stay focussed and you can live that dream.

For an airline like Virgin Australia, a First Officer applicant for a 737 will have:

  • A current Australian ATPL or Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) and passes in all Australian ATPL theory subjects
  • Australian Instrument Rating with MEA, IAP 2D and IAP 3D endorsement- English language proficiency Level 6
  • A valid Australian Class 1 Medical Certificate
  • Have a minimum total flight time of 500 hours with 300 hours in command of a powered fixed-wing aircraft (excluding ICUS), which includes 200 hours in command of a multi-engine aircraft (excluding ICUS), or
  • Have a minimum total flight time of 500 hours with 300 hours in command of a turbine-powered fixed-wing aircraft, or
  • Have a minimum total flight time of 500 hours on aircraft certified for operation by a crew of at least 2 pilots (multi-crew aircraft).

Other Jobs

Still looking beyond our guide to professional aviation careers? There are also other career options throughout the aviation industry that might be worth looking into if they interest you. For example, there are surveillance aircraft that need pilots, ferrying pilots, and test pilots – there are plenty of aviation positions available!

It all starts with getting your licence, then adding your endorsements, and then working towards your dream position step by step. It’s been done before, so you can do it too!

If you’re not sure where to start, or if you’re ready to advance your aviation career to the next level, now is your chance to get in touch with our team at Learn To Fly!

What Else Should I Know?

We’ve compiled a few useful posts that might help you out. Where ever you are on your aviation journey, the team at Learn To Fly Melbourne are here to help. We want you to pass your exams and have an excellent career, so please reach out if we can help support you through your course and studies!

Becoming A Flight Instructor – More Important Now Than Ever Before
We’ll discuss some of the benefits that explain why becoming a flight instructor is more important now than ever before.

Aspiring Career Pilots – Here’s Why You Need a Diploma of Aviation
With so many different types of aviation qualifications out there, which one should you choose? And which Melbourne flight school do you approach? These can be tricky questions to answer, so let us help you out.

Flight Instructor Rating – The Perfect Start For New Commercial Pilot Graduates
What is the best way to get started and set yourself on the right career path for your dream pilot job? In our opinion, it all starts with a Flight Instructor Rating. Let’s find out why!

Flight Instructor Training Endorsements – All You Need To Know
In this blog we’ll outline the Flight Instructor Training Endorsements that are available. We’ll also guide you on how each of these endorsements can add value to your role as a Flight Instructor, and your progression as a professional pilot.

Chat with one of our flight training specialists to get your pilot training off the ground. Email [email protected] or go to to book a meeting and school tour.


Pilot Profile: Chun Ki – From Student Pilot to Flight Instructor

Chun Ki (Peter) Cheung was born in Hong Kong before he moved to Australia with big dreams of aviation. He started his training at the age of 18, completing his CPL, MECIR and FIR training with Learn to Fly. Upon completion, his aviation employment began immediately – with us, as a Grade 3 instructor! Our PILOT PROFILE: Chun Ki’s post aims to follow Chun Ki’s footsteps so that you can learn from his achievements.

Before beginning his aviation journey, Chun Ki had the option of going to university and completing an aviation degree. But this isn’t always the best pathway to take. Now at the age of 22, Chun Ki has over 1,100 flying hours logged and he will become a Grade 1 instructor within a few months from now. Better still, he now has the choice of completing a part-time or online Bachelor’s degree, or he can focus on flying and in 1 or 2 years’ time he’ll be very eligible for an airline job if he wants one. Or, he could even be a flight examiner by the age of 24 or 25. He has plenty of options and opportunities!

We caught up with Chun Ki to ask about his goals and what he’s learnt during his aviation journey. If Chun Ki’s journey sounds like it could be for you, read on and enjoy PILOT PROFILE: Chun Ki!

When you were looking at your aviation study options, what were the considerations you were weighing?

Chun Ki:  

The big items for me were the qualification I would be obtaining, and the career opportunities thereafter. The most common pathways are usually through university or a private flight school. The question was, ‘are there major differences in the qualifications from both?’. The answer is no – the pilot licence at the end is the exact same piece of paper, regardless of where you obtained it. The next question was ‘which would be better?’. From my perspective, the university degree didn’t contribute much to your flying experience when it comes to employment, and it’s expensive – without any guarantees of employment. This is why the private flying school was the better option for me. 

What led you to study with Learn To Fly (LTF), rather than another option like a university?

Chun Ki:

I was first signing up with LTF under their job guarantee program. Basically, I will be doing all my training with LTF and at the end, I will be employed as a flight instructor under LTF. Becoming a flight instructor is a great way to build up your flying hours before applying to any airline. It also increases your competitiveness among other pilots. I selected LTF rather than university because of the time duration and cost. University is costly and involved a lot of extra assessments and assignments for your Bachelor’s Degree. This also means the duration is much longer, in comparison to a private flight school.  

What are your long-term goals in aviation, and how do you think you’ll be able to achieve it/them?

Chun Ki:

Working for airlines flying the big birds one day! I am building up my hours and widening my range of experience (multiengine hours etc.).

What are your short-term goals in aviation, and how do you think you will be able to achieve them?

Chun Ki:

I am looking to get my Multi-Engine Training Endorsement (META), Instrument Rating Training Endorsement (IRTE) and Grade 1 Flight Instructor Rating before turning 23 years old. It would be a significant milestone in my career. I am spending my spare time looking up the course briefs and information in preparation for actually starting the training. 

Given the aviation journey you’ve followed, what are the main lessons you’ve learned that you think others could benefit from?

Chun Ki: 

Do not let external factors get into your decision-making process, in terms of ‘should you go up or not?’.

When you began, did you have the same goals that you have now? Or have they changed?

Chun Ki: 

Personally, my goals have always been the same. Still, I’ve found new goals have arisen through my training. For example, becoming a better instructor than yesterday.

You could be a flight examiner very soon – do you think you will do that, and if so, what is the attraction for you?

Chun Ki: 

There is still a long way to go. You will need to be a G1 Flight Instructor for at least 12 months, with all other extra hours and requirements. However, I would love to become a flight examiner if I have a chance. I’d love to witness the new generation of pilots growing from flight test to flight test

You started as a G3 instructor, and soon you could be a G1 instructor. What has been beneficial about the training and qualification in your experiences?

Chun Ki:

I was only 19 years old when I was granted my flight instructor rating. Working as a flight instructor is more than ‘just being an instructor’ – It has a huge influence on my personal development and growth in all aspects. For example, I’ve learned how to adjust my approach to different age groups of students. The higher your grade you are, the more responsibilities you have. As a G2, you are able to send First Solo. And for G1, you are able to supervise G3 instructors. (Just FYI, if you are a G3 instructor, you will need to have supervision from a G1 instructor before your flight). I can definitely see myself growing with my job.

In our Pilot Profile we’re always looking for key lessons, Chun Ki! If someone else followed in your footsteps, what are the other opportunities or careers that they might want to consider?

Chun Ki: 

Upon finishing the MECIR, it increases the range of opportunities for employment. Other options I could have taken were becoming a Jump Pilot, or a Charter Pilot up to the north. These are the most common pathways, rather than becoming a flight instructor to build up hours. Not everyone will be interested in instructing people in a way. If you keep your options open, you will find out what is best for you whilst you are still learning.

So there is it! That’s our Pilot Profile on Chun Ki (Peter) Cheung. If you’d like to get in touch with Learn To Fly to start your pilot training, hat with one of our flight training specialists by emailing [email protected] or go to to book a meeting and school tour!

What Else Should I Know?

We’ve compiled a few useful posts that might help you out. Where ever you are on your aviation journey, the team at Learn To Fly Melbourne are here to help. We want you to pass your exams and have an excellent career, so please reach out if we can help support you through your course and studies!

Becoming A Flight Instructor – More Important Now Than Ever Before
We’ll discuss some of the benefits that explain why becoming a flight instructor is more important now than ever before.

Aspiring Career Pilots – Here’s Why You Need a Diploma of Aviation
With so many different types of aviation qualifications out there, which one should you choose? And which Melbourne flight school do you approach? These can be tricky questions to answer, so let us help you out.

Flight Instructor Rating – The Perfect Start For New Commercial Pilot Graduates
What is the best way to get started and set yourself on the right career path for your dream pilot job? In our opinion, it all starts with a Flight Instructor Rating. Let’s find out why!

Flight Instructor Training Endorsements – All You Need To Know
In this blog we’ll outline the Flight Instructor Training Endorsements that are available. We’ll also guide you on how each of these endorsements can add value to your role as a Flight Instructor, and your progression as a professional pilot.


Airspace & Safety Notice For Avalon Airshow 2023

The Australian International Airshow at Avalon Airport will be open to the public from Friday the 3rd to Sunday the 5th of March 2023.

To facilitate flying displays, flight crew practising routines and the arrival and departure of
participating aircraft, the airspace around Avalon Airport will be temporarily restricted for the protection of everyone. Temporary Restricted Areas are in place from Monday, February 20th to Monday, March 6th.

Changes To Airspace and Procedures

There have been changes to the dimensions of the Temporary Restricted Areas (TRA) from previous events and TRA activity times have been extended to include the week preceding the airshow.

Avalon East will not be available for aircraft flying in. Lethbridge Aerodrome (YLED) has been nominated as an alternate with a bus ferry service carrying participants to Avalon. Anticipate a large volume of traffic into and out of YLED from Friday 03/03/2023 to Sunday 05/03/2023.

Temporary Restricted Areas

Temporary Restricted Areas (TRA) will be active from 02 200100 to 03 060700 UTC (12:00 on 20/02/2023 to 18:00 on 06/03/2023).

Check ML FIR NOTAM (YMMM) for changes. C158/23, C160/23 & C161/23 are currently on issue.

Significant Issues

Caution must be exercised navigating in the vicinity of the Avalon TRA to avoid infringing the restricted airspace and to avoid AIRPROX with increased traffic densities.

1. YMAV Class D and overlying Class E become restricted airspace from ground level to FL245.

2. Class E airspace to the north and south of YMAV becomes restricted airspace from 1500ft to FL245.

3. Airspace within 12nm DME west of AV becomes restricted airspace from 1500ft – FL245.

4. Limited terrain clearance west of YMAV in the vicinity of Mount Anakie (Elev. 1306 feet).

5. Large volume of traffic operating into and out of YMAV.

6. Large volume of traffic operating into and out of YLED.

Chat with one of our flight training specialists to get your pilot training off the ground. Email [email protected] or go to to book a meeting and school tour.


Pilot Theory Exam Preparation

Learning to fly is extremely exciting and rewarding, but there are theory exam checkpoints along the way that are crucial to becoming a great pilot. If exams aren’t your forte, you don’t need to worry! We have summarised everything you need to know here, and we have more helpful content coming your way.

Before we get into our pilot theory exam preparation tips, there’s one key lesson that you should remember before you attempt your pilot theory exams. If you don’t pass an exam, it is not a failure. In fact, it’s an opportunity. It’s an opportunity to improve, to become a better pilot and to master the knowledge that will accelerate you into your recreational or commercial pilot career.

Many pilots will tell you about the errors that they’ve made along the way and the improvements that they caused.

If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance it means that you genuinely care about your pilot theory exam results. That’s the first sign that you’re on the way to becoming a great pilot. Now, let’s get you ready for your pilot theory exam preparation.

Lesson 1: It can be done!

Many pilots have flown the skies before you. Do you know what this means? It means that the theory exams are passable, and you can do them too. The first step in exam preparation is knowing that the exams aren’t there to trip you up, but to make sure you know your stuff. If others can do it, so can you.

Setup Your Exam Preparation Timetable

Treat exam preparation like it’s your job. You can set up a weekly timetable, with daily tasks to check off. This helps you achieve a few things. Firstly, it creates a structure for your learning so that you’re not cramming everything into a last-minute panic. Secondly, it breaks things up into smaller tasks so that the study and preparation aren’t so overwhelming.

Finally, it also breaks up your study blocks into reasonable amounts of time. One or two hours of study per day will mean you are much more focused during your study, which helps with information retention. If you try to study too much, for too long, you’ll exhaust your mind and struggle to remember details.

Repetition Is Key

One of the best learning techniques is repetition, so use it to your advantage. A great way to do this in your pilot theory exam preparation is by using practice questions and exams to repeat the process of comprehending a question and forming the correct answer.

In addition to this, you should record your results on the questions and practice exams. Each time you attempt them, you’ll note your progress and improvement. You will also notice the areas where you might need more work. Identifying these areas means you can focus your time improve where you need a bit more practice.

Similarly, you should start to time yourself through the exams. You should be aiming to pass successfully within the allocated timeframe.

Know Your Exam Resources

Are you familiar with the tools and resources you can take for your exams? Do you know how to use them and find information quickly? Some exams have different tools and permitted materials. This can also change slightly if you’re undertaking an internal exam with your school, or if you’re undertaking a CASA exam.

Most pilots agree that you should pick your one set of study materials, and stick with them. Whatever the case, find out what you’re allowed to take into the exam and make sure you’re using those resources the entire way through your exam preparation.

When it comes to exam day, you will have mastered your resources and you’ll be well-positioned to find information and answer questions in a timely manner. When you can do this, it makes the exams much less stressful – you’ll know how to use your tools and equipment (such as a flight computer), and you’ll know where to look to answer your questions.

Know When To Ask For Help

If you’re finding some questions or topics difficult to master, don’t break your study streak with frustration! If you need help, you should always be ready to ask. Depending on what support you need, you have a number of options.

There might be classes at your local school that cover the topic you need help with (for example, meteorology). Or you can ask a fellow flight training student to help you out – and you might be able to help them! For lots of simple things, you can join social media groups and pages – there is a constant stream of students, and perhaps one of them has a way of learning or remembering a topic that will help you.

Another option is to arrange a private or joint tutorial with an instructor – they’re always happy to do so!

Know When To Ask For Help

The only thing as important as your pilot theory exam preparation is taking a break… from your pilot theory exam preparation. Even whilst you’re having a day off, your mind will still have flight training concepts and lessons lurking in the background. Switching off from them occasionally can help you switch them on when you need to. A fresh mind is a productive mind.

Similarly, you should be aiming to study in structured pieces of time. This is somewhat dependent on the topic you’re working on and your personal attention span. If you’re finding that after 45 minutes you’re struggling to focus, it’s time to make a cup of tea and walk outside for a moment, before getting back into the books.

How Much Study Is Enough?

There is passing your exams and really passing your exams. The best pilots always aim for the latter.

There is no minimum or maximum amount of study that is required, it’s simply the amount of time that it takes you to achieve the best that you can. Below are some indicative study time commitments that have been reported amongst some of our students. Again, this isn’t a requirement but it can help give you an indication as to what time commitments you should make if you want to become an exceptional pilot. Ultimately you will need to study for the amount of time that it takes you to achieve the level of preparation that you are comfortable with.

RPL exams – Most people pass with 26 to 50 hours of exam preparation and revision.

  1. PPL Exam – Think in terms of 50 to 75 hours for class, tuition, home study and general reading for each exam.

CPL Exams – Many students report around 75 to 100 hours of class, tuition, home study and general reading for each exam.

ATPL Exam – 50 – 75 hours per subject.

ATPL Flight Planning exam – 55 – 80 hours.

How Much Study Is Enough?

Everyone can excel or struggle with different exams, strengths and weaknesses. Having said that, the exams that take more time and preparation amongst the majority of students are:

1. CPL Performance


3. CPL Meteorology

4. PPL

5. CPL Aircraft General Knowledge

The first two exams are particularly reported as needing more preparation – but with focus and support, you can pass!

Exam Day

Once exam day arrives, there’s only so much you can do – you’ve already done the hard work. Here’s what you should focus on:

  1. 1. Get a good night’s rest.
  2. 2. Have your exam materials ready to go the night before, so that all you need to do is show up.
  3. 3. Eat well and stay hydrated before the exam.
  4. 4. Read each question twice to ensure you understand and look for common traps.
  5. 5. Mark any questions that you might stumble on. Finish everything else, then focus on the tough ones.
  6. 6. Check all of your questions and answers to watch for basic errors.
  7. 7. Don’t be tempted to leave early. Keep checking your work and attempting every question.
  8. 8. When the exam time is over, go and do something fun to get your mind off it. It’s done. Now it’s time to wait and see!

What Else Should I Know?

We’ve compiled a few useful posts that might help you out. Where ever you are on your flight training journey, the team at Learn To Fly Melbourne are here to help. We want you to pass your exams and have an excellent career, so please reach out if we can help support you through your course and studies!

Tips On How To Pass Pilot Theory Exams
Here we give you the scoop on what to expect and provide some tips on how to pass pilot theory exams.

  1. Aviation Schools in Melbourne: Why Learn to Fly is Your Best Bet
    The aviation school you choose will make a big difference in your flight training journey. Here’s why you should learn with the best!
  2. Flight Schools in Australia – How Do I Choose the Right One?
    Here is a breakdown of what kinds of schools are available, and how the different environments can affect what your learning experience will be like. 

Learn To Fly: Flight Training Courses For Every Pilot
We have every aviation course you need, including recreational or commercial. This post discusses the pathways and career options for pilots operating in Australia.

Training Beyond The Private Pilot Licence (PPL)
After completing your Private Pilot Licence you might wonder, “what’s next?” As strange as it may sound, many pilots are still keen to do more training after achieving their initial goals. Realistically, if you want to fly regularly or as a job, learning is ongoing. Let’s take a look at training beyond the Private Pilot Licence.

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Pilot Licence
This post will help you get the most out of your pilot licence in easy steps.

Chat with one of our flight training specialists to get your pilot training off the ground. Email [email protected] or go to to book a meeting and school tour.


How Do I Undertake Flight Training More Efficiently?

At $6 – 8 per minute in the aircraft, aviation training can seem expensive. There are a number of ways to save on money, and here’s we’ll focus on training efficiency. Training efficiency means two things. Firstly, you save money. Secondly, it means you can sooner achieve competency and minimum course requirements – which means you save time! For your entire aviation journey, recreational or professional, it’s important to ensure you’re getting the most out of your money.

So, let’s answer a question – how do I undertake my flight training more efficiently?

Preparation Is Key

When you’re in the cockpit and paying by the minute, you can make every second count by preparing for the lesson. On YouTube alone, there are video explanations and tutorials for almost every facet of flying. If you speak with a student who completed their course 10 or 20 years ago, they’ll tell you that the volume of educational content available to you today far outweighs what was available to them. If you’re unsure about a topic, such as how lift is generated, a brief Google search will provide you with a clear explanation at your fingertips.

To help our students train more efficiently, we have created free aviation training videos in English and Cantonese on our YouTube Channel – check it out!

Lesson Video Briefings

For our Recreational Pilot Licence (RPL) and Private Pilot Licence (PPL) students, Learn To Fly provides a video briefing before each lesson. The briefing gives them an understanding and expectation of what they will be doing in the lesson, prior to their arrival at Learn To Fly.

For example, if they are going to undertake a Climbing and Descending lesson, they need to understand why the aircraft can climb and descend, and what they need to do in the aircraft during climbs and descents. By watching the video briefings and searching through learning content, they have more time to prepare for the lesson and absorb the information. This also means that there’s less to try to absorb and understand on the day, which means they can focus on the tasks at hand.

By focusing on the tasks at hand, they can learn and master skills more efficiently. If you think about it, anything you can learn outside of paid time (classroom or cockpit) means you save time and money during your lessons!

Video Tutorials

In addition to coursework and curriculum-based content, we also cover other video topics to help you with efficiency with your experiences in and around Learn To Fly. For example, we have videos that discuss and present the Moorabbin Airport Inbound and Outbound procedures, how to refuel the aircraft – we even have videos showing how to conduct a pre-flight check for every aircraft in our fleet!

Online Theory Courses

In addition to our video tutorials and lesson briefings, we have more in-depth course information in our Online Theory Courses. These are online aviation training courses we have tailored towards students who are completing training for their RPL, PPL, CPL and Instrument Rating.

We understand that it’s hard to make the time for theory and training each week, particularly those with commitments such as a full-time job. So, we have created the Online Theory Courses to allow students to focus on their theory lessons anytime, anywhere!

What Else Can Help Me With My Aviation Training, Managing Costs and Efficiency?

We’re glad you asked! Depending on your aviation goals, there are lots of considerations – but we have produced a number of easy-to-read tutorials to walk you through these options and considerations. Here are some other topics that are worth exploring to help you out. As always, you can reach out to us anytime at Learn To Fly – we’re here to help!

  1. The Benefits of Online Flight Training Courses
    Read about saving by completing your aviation theory online.

  2. Split Your Flight Training Costs into Interest-Free Instalments from Learn To Fly and SplitIt
    Balancing the financial aspect of studying can be a big task. Here, we’ll talk you through an interest-free option to assist with your education.

  3. Aviation Schools in Melbourne: Why Learn to Fly is Your Best Bet
    The aviation school you choose will make a big difference to your aviation journey. Here’s why you should learn with the best!
  4. Learn To Fly: Flight Training Courses For Every Pilot
    Whether you’re looking at recreational or commercial aviation, we have a course for you. Here are the pathways and career options for pilots operating in Australia.

Top Tips to Prepare You for Solo Flight Training
We cover the best advice to get you solo – read on for everything you need to know!

Chat to one of our flight training specialists to get your pilot training off the ground. Email [email protected] or go to to book a meeting and school tour.


Upcoming Learn To Fly Events

Learn To Fly enjoys being involved in the wider aviation community. Throughout the year we participate in or host a range of events.

Learn To Fly In-Person One-On-One Training Consultations HK & Singapore 2023

📆 Singapore 27th JAN – 1st FEB 2023
🕙 11am to 7pm
📍 Level 11, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 1, 8 Marina Blvd, 018981, Singapore

📆 Hong Kong 3rd FEB – 8th FEB 2023
🕙 11am to 7pm
📍 Level 19, Two Chinachem Central, No. 26 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong

Come along and learn about flight training at our 2023 Learn To Fly In-Person One-On-One Training Consultations in Hong Kong & Singapore and meet one of our flight school representatives.

We have 1 hour sessions available from 11am to 7pm. Click the link below to reserve your spot:

Book Hong Kong Face-to-Face Meeting

Book Singapore Face-to-Face Meeting



Past Recent Events:

Learn To Fly Melbourne Open Day | Melbourne Australia | OCT 2022

Seminar: How To Become an Airline Pilot in Singapore in 2022 | Singapore | Oct 1st 2022

In-Person 1-on-1 Flight Training Consultations | Hong Kong | Sept 22-27th 2022

Webinar: Applying for the Cathay Cadet Pilot Program in 2022 | Sept 20th 2022

📆 Stay tuned to our social media for free flight training content, flight school life, and future event announcements at

If you would like to find out more about learning to fly, you can email our flight training specialists at [email protected]. You can also visit to book a meeting and a tour of our Moorabbin Airport training base.


How Do I Pay For My CPL Flight Training?

If a Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) is your aviation goal, you might be sitting there wondering ‘how do I pay for my CPL flight training?’. In the last article, we covered the flight training cost options for RPL and PPL, but here in ‘Part 2 – CPL’ we’ll answer your question with options on how to pay for your Commercial Pilot Licence. Here goes!

How Much Will My CPL Cost?

You should be thinking in terms of around AUD$80,000 for your Commercial Pilot Licence.

Is ‘There A Buy Now, Pay Later; option?

In Part 1 where we looked at RPL and PPL payment options, we explored the ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ model where Learn To Fly has partnered with Splitit to provide financial flexibility. This means students can spread payments over multiple months, without incurring interest. The limit on the Splitit option is AUD$20,000, so it won’t cover the full cost of your CPL training. That being said, there is another way of paying for your CPL flight training through the VET Student Loans program.

Paying with a VET Student Loan

Vet Student Loans (VSL) is an Australian Commonwealth Government loan program that provides eligible full fee paying students with assistance in paying their tuition fees for approved courses of study. This allows students to obtain qualifications, and then gradually repay the loan over time whilst working in their chosen career. Read more about it, here.

As Learn To Fly Melbourne is an approved VET Student Loans provider, we offer VET Student loans for all our Diploma programs. We do this with the goal of enabling financial assistance to prospective pilots – like you! Our Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence – Aeroplane) covers all of the training that you need to complete your CPL.

What Other Training Can I Do Under VSL?

The limit of a VET Student Loan is $83,949 (2023) for one approved course, or $162,336 (2023) in total if you are completing more than one eligible AVI course. For example, you could complete your Commercial Pilot Licence (AVI50222 Diploma Of Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence – Aeroplane)) and you could also complete your Instrument Rating (AVI50519 Diploma Of Aviation (Instrument Rating)).

The AVI50519 Diploma of Aviation (Instrument Rating) course combines multi-engine and instrument training, which is a compulsory requirement for many aviation careers, including that of an airline pilot. The syllabus offers Multi-Engine Class Rating and Multi-Engine Instrument Command Rating (MECIR) training, which is completed in both simulators and real aircraft.

How Do I Check My Eligibility For a VET Student Loan?

To be eligible for a VET Student Loan, you must:

  • – Be an Australian Citizen or
  • – A New Zealand Citizen with a Special Category Visa (SCV) or
  • – A Permanent Humanitarian Visa holder who will be residing in Australia for the duration of the – course
  • – Be studying a VET Student Loans eligible course
  • – Meet student entry procedure requirements
  • – Meet Tax File Number requirements
  • – Present Unique Student Identifier (USI) number
  • – Have not exceeded your HELP loan limit
  • – Have not exceeded the VET Student Loans course cap
  • – Submit a request for a VET Student Loan via the Government’s eCAF System (including all required information) on or before the first census date and no less than two (2) business days after enrolling
  • – Confirm engagement and progression to continue to access the loan throughout the course

You can assess your eligibility using the eligibility tool, here.

What Else Is Worth Consideration?

As well as the financial implications, it’s important to make sure you’re well-informed before you undertake your CPL flight training. Here are some other topics that are worth exploring to help you achieve your aviation goals:

  1. FAQs About Obtaining Your Commercial Pilot Licence
    Find answers to the most commonly asked questions from former CPL students.

  2. The Benefits of Online Flight Training Courses
    Read about saving by completing your aviation theory online.

  3. Flight Schools in Australia – How Do I Choose the Right One?
    Make sure you’re choosing the best flight school to achieve your aviation dreams.

  4. Aspiring Career Pilots – Here’s Why You need a Diploma of Aviation
    If you’re looking to fly commercially, this is a great place to learn about course options.
  5. How to Become an Airline Pilot in Australia
    Understand the pathways and career options for commercial pilots operating in Australia.

Chat to one of our flight training specialists to get your pilot training off the ground. Email [email protected] or go to to book a meeting and school tour.
